InterChurch News 

'A truthful witness saves lives' -Proverbs 14:25

Member: California Newspaper Publishers Assoc. / Digital News  

February 2025 / Est. 2013


Jesus said: 

'For this is the will of my Father, that everyone

who looks on the Son and believes in him

should have eternal life,

and I will raise him up on the last day.'

-John 6:40

Photo (L): The Fifth Gospel, Isaiah Chapter 53. -Adobe Stock photo

InterChurch News

A Record

'Write in a book

all the words

I have spoken to you.'

-Jeremiah 30:2

Photo credits: Adobe Stock photos

News & Notable 2022

Vol. X, Issue 3 | February 1 - 14 

  • CBS: SoCal father of 17-year old daughter who died of COVID-19 complications warns parents (video)
  • California Family: 120 California school district officials: 'The Governor's proposed vaccination mandate removes choice ... forcing individuals to submit ...' 
  • R.W. Malone, M.D.: Open Letter to Canadian Truckers --- 'These genetic vaccines can damage your children'
  • Daily Wire: Ontario, Canada Premier declares state of emergency over 'siege of Ottawa,' calls trucker vaccine-mandate protest 'illegal occupation'
  • CBN: Franklin Graham calls Ottawa truckers 'Modern day ... Paul Revere' 
  • Defender: Appeals Court upholds freeze on federal worker vaccine mandate
  • Samaritan's Purse: Afghan refugee church partnership program (video)
  • Center Square: OneAmerica life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64
  • China Christian Daily: A rural pastor's financial struggle
  • Focus on the Family: 'The Billy Graham Rule' and opposite-sex friendships
  • Christian Post: Biden speaks at 70th National Prayer Breakfast in U.S. Capitol: 'The issue for us is unity'
  • Wall Street Journal: IS leader killed himself, family during U.S. raid in Syria



The Bible says: Isaiah 59:14-15 | Jesus said: John 6:40

Cover photo: Is the first generation internet user in the last days? -Adobe Stock photo

InterChurch News = an International Outreach

Established 2013 in southwestern Riverside County, California, the InterChurch News site includes unique visitors from over 120 nations including Afghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaidjan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbardos, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyrus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, Former Czechoslovakia, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Lativia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macendonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Vincent & Grenadines, Samoa Islands, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Vatican City State, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands and Zimbabwe.