InterChurch News 

'A truthful witness saves lives' -Proverbs 14:25

Member: California Newspaper Publishers Assoc. / Digital News  

October 2024 / Est. 2013


"Hate evil and love good, and establish justice ..."

-Amos 5:15

Biblical Voter / Election Forum 

My Faith Votes

  For 2024 Evangelical, Election livestream news, click FRANK icon

. Side A 

Photo (L): Hall of Famer, former LA Dodger, Padres first baseman Steve Garvey attending the late Padres owner Peter Seidler's Celebration of Life event, is running as the Republican alternate for the Senate seat against Adam Schiff (D). -Photo InterChurch News 

 6:10 Resource

'So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and

especially to those who are of the household of faith.' 

-Galatians 6:10

A quick-start directory for

Faith-Based Assistance including Taxpayer Rights

& Legal Recourse

Note: Not every resource listed in 6:10 Directory is faith-based. Notify us with any concern in our listings. Seek assistance first from home church; share 6:10 Directory.


 American Family 

'Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another,

live in peace and the God of love and peace

will be with you.'

-2 Corinthians 13:11

Abortion Alternatives (Counseling - Foster Care - Homeless/Abused-Mother Shelters)

| Pro-Family, Pro-Life Links | California Public School Social-Engineering Alerts | Senior Assistance

'Once conceived -- protected'

American Family Association 

On the frontlines of America's cultural war. A pro-family advocacy organization with nearly a million online supporters and approximately 600,000 subscribers to its monthly flagship publication, AFA Journal; also informs and ministers through radio.

A Place for Mom 

Access pricing and information on senior living communities, ratings and servicers, care options and access local support. Free service. 

Angels in Waiting

Riverside County: A charity created by nurses in 2005 to address the needs of Riverside County medically fragile foster care children. Enables highly-skilled nurses to become foster parents and bill Medi-Cal for the hours related to caring for infants and children in the comfort of their own home.

Birth Choice Centers

Riverside County: Pregnancy Resource Centers in Temecula (951-296-3441), Hemet (951-766-6100), and Mobile Unit (951-331-4008). Provides no cost pregnancy testing, options information (no abortion referrals), grief & loss coaching, healthy pregnancy classes, community referrals, material assistance. 


A movement to exalt Jesus, end abortion and support adoption; international reporting and information to stop worldwide gendercide (abortion / abduction) of girls including the kidnapping of 276 Nigerian schoolgirls in 2014, India and China's mandated abortion of female babies.

California Family Council

'To inform and educate Californias on public policy issues.' 'Vision: God's people living as principled citizens of both heaven and earth.' This site is an invaluable resource to stay current on the wave-after-wave of ongoing Leftist-proposed California legislation affecting the taxpayer-funded public school system and the indoctrination of children towards an immoral ideology and continued distraction from focusing on the 3-R's (remember them?). 

California 'Healthy Youth' Act (AB 329)

The understandably controversial California public school sex education law. Recommend printing and reading a copy of the amended version. The very least parents need to know: I. Sec. 2. 51930(2) states one of the purposes is to: 'To provide pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to develop healthy attitudes concerning adolescent growth and development, body image, gender, sexual orientation, relationships, marriage, and family.' Editor's note: 'Healthy attiudes' towards gender, sexual orientation, relationships, marriage and family is a subjective presentation given the current sinfully permissive society and can be considered indoctrinational since a biblical or religious perspective from the community is not permitted. II. Sec. 8. 51934 (a) states: 'Each school district shall ensure that all pupils in grades 7 to 12, inclusive, receive comphrehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education from instructors trained in the appropriate courses ... at least once in junior high or middle school and at least once in high school. III. Sec. 8. 51934 (a) (3) states: Information that abstinence from sexual activity and injection drug use is the only certain way to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections and abstinence from sexual intercourse is the only certain way to prevent unintended pregnancy (well, at least that part is biblical wisdom). The instruction however 'shall provide 'medically accurate information on other methods of preventing HIV and other sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy (this may include contraceptive use, Planned Parenthood options). IV. Sec. 8. 51934 (a) (7) and (8) state 'addressing unfounded stereotypes and myths regarding HIV and AIDS and people living with HIV and providing 'information about local resources, how to access local resources, and pupil's legal rights to access local resources for sexual and reproductive heatlh care such as testing and medical care ... and pregnancy prevention and care ...' (i.e. directing 7-12 grade girls to Planned Parenthood -- who do not require parental consent for birth control methods or getting an abortion). V. Sec. 8,. 51934 (a) (10) (b) states 'A school district may provide [Sex Ed and HIV prevention education] consisting of age-appropriate instruction earlier than grade 7 using instructors trained in the appropriate  coursesEditor's note: The Sex Ed courses are not mandated for pre-K to 6, but are optional -- at the district's discretion, not a classroom teacher. VI. Sec. 14. 51938 (a) states 'A parent or guardian of a pupil has the right to excuse their child from all or part of comprehensive sexual health education, HIV prevention education ... through a passive consent ("opt-out") process ... (b) 'At the beginning of each school year ... each school district shall notify the parent or guardian of each pupil about [Sex Ed] instruction ... (1) advise the parent ... educational materials ... are available for inspection. (2) 'the notice shall include the date of the instruction, the name of the organization or affliation of each guest speaker and information stating the right of the parent ... to request a copy of this section ...' (4) 'Advise the parent ... the right to excuse their child from [Sex Ed] ... and ... must state their request in writing to the school district. VII. Sec. 15. 51939 (b) states 'A pupil may not be subjected to disciplinary action, academic penalty, or other sanction if the pupil's parent ... declines to permit the pupil to receive [Sex Ed, HIV prevention] or participate in any anonymous, voluntary, and confidential tests, questionnaires, or surveys on pupil behaviors or risks.'

California legislative information 

track, respond to legislative bills chipping away at first amendment rights for family, schools and church; get email updates on progress of all current bills; review original and revised bills as they are voted on.

Center for Medical Progress

Pro-life investigative organization publishes undercover interviews with Planned Parenthood officials that includes a proposed illegal transaction to sell aborted fetal tissue and the necessary medical procedures to ensure preservation and quality of a baby's organs. . 


"A community of friends who once identified as LGBTQ+. Today, we celebrate the love of Jesus and his freedom in our lives." 

Cloud, Dr. Henry -

"Dr. Cloud is an acclaimed leadership expert, psychologist and best selling author." 

Counseling: The Grove Corner Counseling and community Center

With over 40 experienced counselors, including licensed therapists for family, marriage, personal concerns including depression, addictions, grief, anxiety. Offers support groups. Note: Faith-based counseling is available, but not required. Sliding scale payments available; sponsored through The Grove Community Church in Orangecrest, Riverside. 19321 Grove Community Dr., Riverside, CA 92508. 951-571-9096.

County of Riversde Department of Social Services - Foster / Adoption 

Dave Ramsey - Financial management (live debt-free)

Disability Rights California

Elder Care Link

Ending Homelessness - Riverside County

Engage Together 

Equipping churches to combat human trafficking

Equipped to Love

California faith-based nonprofit organization founded by evangelical Christians who chose to leave the LGBTQ identity and seek to protect First Amendment rights of Christian individuals, institutions while reaching out to those still identifying as LGBTQ; offers testimonial book 'Changed: #Oncegay Stories,' books, DVD's, t-shirts and contact for speaking engagments; national resource directory. 

Everyman Ministries 

Founded in 2000 to revolutionize men's ministry; a church-based, church-to-church movement.

Faith & Freedom Coalition

Founded by Ralph Reed; instrumental in helping the Evangelical Family Christian voice to be heard and represented in America.

Focus on the Family 

Founded by Dr. James Dobson, providing guuidance for Chrisitan marriage and parenting.  

For Kids And Country 

Informing parents of legislation affecting children in public schools -- especially California. 


Provides guidance on senior lifestyle, products and services. 


Faith-based adoption and foster care based in Southern California. There are 100,000 children who need a home and are praying for a mom and dad like you. One of the largest adoption placing agencies in California, serving the community since 1995. Monthly financial reimbursement provided for foster - adoption families (up to $790 per foster child per month assistance -- with medical and dental coverage included). 1.800.921-1818.

Informed Parents of California (IPOC)

'Born out of one woman's quest for the truth with regards to sex education in her son's public school.'

Lindell Recovery network

Mike Lindell, founder and CEO of My Pillow and former cocaine addict, founded a recovery ministry to reach addicts.  

Live Action

Three million friends and supportors with pro-life views and news on social media. Founded in 2003 by a then 15-year old concerned girl. 

March for Life

Mass Resistance

Pro-family activism; up-to-date information and action on legislation affecting the traditional family in the home, schools and public square; published the 2017 softcover edition of  'The Health Hazards of Homosexuality' endorsed by Dr. Michelle Gretella, president, American College of Pediatricians. 

Mercy Projects

"We work to keep children in loving homes and out of orphanages and institutions.' Sponsorship provides 'nutrition, education, healthcare, Christian camps, and encouragement to at-risk children' from the Ukraine to America. Based in Murrieta, CA. "

Moral Revolution 

In a generation overwhelmed by conflicting messages about love, lust and relationships, Moral Revolution is a group of individuals who have given up the status quo. The refusal to acknowledge and honor God leads to disconnection from reality.

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging

National Organization for Marriage

Olive Crest

A faith-based foster and adoption agency in Riverside County; "When you adopt a child, you are imitating the heart of God."

Pro-life web site "So Every Child Makes Their Mark;" providing excellent resources and information.

One of the leading pro-life Christian advocacy organizations in the nation.


Project T.O.U.C.H.

Temecula faith-based nonprofit to assist the local homeless, provides 130 meals a day. 

Rescue Your Child

Take charge to avoid California's K-12 sexual indoctrination laws. 

The Ruth Institute 

A faith-based (Catholic) up-to-date resource for 'inspiring the survivors of the sexual revolution' and defending the traditional family in the home and public square; a service since California's Prop-8 'one man, one woman' marriage constitutional amendment campaign. 

Safe Harbor Counseling Services

Riverside County: Licensed Christian therapists: Anxiety, depression, PTSD, bi-polar, pre-marital, marital, divorce recovery; child, adolescent, adult, group counseling.

The Sheepfold 

Mission Statement: To equip mothers with children suffering from homelessness or abuse for successful independent living with hope for the future. A key outcome is that they can live on their own independently and not be tempted to return to their abuse and destructive lifestyle. -- Fran Lundquist, founder (1926 - 2013). P.O. Box 4487, Orange, CA 92863. Phone: 714.237-1444, 1.877.743-3376. 

Senior Guidance

Helping seniors during most difficult times w/assisted living resources.

Students For Life of America

Exists to recruit, train, and mobilize the pro-life generation to abolish abortion. 

Trail Life USA

A Christ-centered alternative to Boy Scouts USA and endorsed by Focus-on-the Family's James Dobson, Samaritain's Purse CEO Rev. Franklin Graham and former Governor of Alabama Mike Huckabee. K-12 boys learn outdoor skills, teamwork and life application principles. 

U-Turn For Christ

Based in Riverside County: Residency program 'for men and women trapped in the deceptive, never-ending cycle of addiction.' Faith-based program designed 'to teach individuals to be independent, self-supporting, and stable under the Lordship of Jesus Christ by becoming an asset to their family, church, friends, employers, schools and society.'

Winning At Home 

Helping to develop marriages and families by producing media resources and hosting special events.

(Back to top)

Attorneys - Legal Resources

Advocates for faith & freedom - A non-profit law firm dedicated to protecting constitutional rights and religious liberty in the courts. Our mission is to engage in cases that will uphold our religious liberty and America's heritage. 

Alliance Defending Freedom 

'We focus on cases involving religious liberty issues, the sanctity of human life, and marriage and family.'

American Center for Law & Justice

Christian advocate law firm serving Evangelism, representing 41 nonprofit organizations singled out by IRS.

An interactive almanac of U.S. policies.

Be Heard Project

'Through the law, public policy and grassroots action, we amplify your voice to demand that world governments respect the most basic human rights and dignity of persecuted believers.' A project of American Center for Law and Justice.

Berglund & Johnson -'Seek justice and walk humbly with God.' - Micah 6:8

Accident, injury and negligence law firm including elder abuse, slumlord litigation based in Los Angeles, serving Inland Empire.

Provides links to California Constitution, Bill information, California law, today's committee hearings. 

Provides information and resource links re Sacramento legislation issues. 


The Christian Institute -Legal Defense Fund

Faith-based, multi-faceted nonprofit organization headquarterd in the United Kingdom promoting the good news of Jesus Christ in the public square. 

Christian Law Association 

Serving churches and Christians with sound legal counsel for nearly half a century.

Defending the Republic

Established to defend and protect the integrity of elections in the United States and the individual rights enshrined in our Constitution.

For legal professionals; U.S. law / cases of 50 states includes California Constitution word search.

The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting

150 years of case law on trial (United Kingdom).

Judicial Watch

Conservative Christan law firm specializing in government legal affairs 'because no one is above the law.' The Hillary Clinton emails, Russian collusion-impeachment roots are among its aggresive ongoing investigatons and pending FISA applicant requests.


For legal background information on the U.S. Court of Appeals Sixth Circuit upholding state bans on same-sex marriage in Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Michigan leading to Obergefell v. Hodges, the April 28, 2015 U.S. Supreme Court case to determine if the 14th Amendment trumps voter-approved state constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage. Site sponsored by University of Pittsburgh School of Law.

Law Library of Congress

Liberty Institute

'Restoring religious liberty in America.'

'Defending Religious Freedom, Parental Rights, and other Civil Liberties without charge.' California-based law firm.  

Public Citizen Litigation Group (A Ralph Nader-inititated nonprofit entity since 1971 providing legal advice, protection and information).

Consumer Law and Policy Blog: Consumer warning: Copyright Trolling by Higbee & Associates

.Apologetics, Bible Study, Discerning Cults    

Answers in

Dedicated to answering questions regarding the origin of life, the flood, etc.

Ark Encounter 

Features a full-sized Noah's Ark built according to the dimensions given in the Bible. A Bible-teaching exhibit in Kentucky, it is the largest timber-framed structure in the world. 'An undeniable spectacle, and it must be seen to be believed.' -Chicago Tribune

Berean Research 

"A resource to help Christians equip and keep themselves and their brothers and sister from falling into deception." 


This web site is excellent for quick access to locating Scripture and multiple translations. 

Popular Bible translations in over 20 languages available for online Bible study.  

Biblical Archaeology Society 

Founded in 1974; nonprofit, nondenominational educational institution dedicated to the dissemination of information about archaeology in the Bible lands. With an award-winning website, BAS educates the public about archaeology in the Bible through its bi-monthly magazine, Biblical Archaelogy Review, books and DVD's, tours and seminars. 

Biblical Archaeology Society Online Archive 

(See above)

Blue Letter Bible

Provides tools for an in-depth study of God's Word through free online reference library grounded in historical, conservative Christian faith. Multi-verse retrieval system, key word search, lexicon, Greek-Hebrew tools, Creeds, etc. 

Christian Classics Ethereal Library 

A free digital library of hundreds of classical Christian books selected for edification and education. Reaches several million different users per year. Includes the 37-volume Early Church Fathers, E.M. Bounds, Brother Lawrence and more. An excellent resource tool. 

Creation Ministries International 

Provides 'real world answers' to the 'most asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution where the Bible is most under attack today.' Publishes extensive 'Creationist Organizations USA Directory.'

Creation Museum 

Discover Books of the Bible

An interesting website built by a Gideon. 

Genesis and Genetics

Biblical DNA research including Adam, Noah and Jesus Christ. 


Web site dedicated to answering questions about the Bible and the Christian faith from a conservative biblical Christian view.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Online

Edited by James Orr, John Nuelsen, Edgar Mullins, Morris Evans and Melvin Grove Kyle; published complete in 1939. This website includes the complete text. Over 10,000 entries, over 200 different Bible scholars and teachers.


Understanding the historical, biblical Jesus.

Reasons To Believe

Demonstrating connections between science and religion, astronomer and best selling author Dr. Hugh Ross ("The Fingerprint of God") and his team provide evidence for creation by intelligent design, i.e. God. Mission verse: "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience." - 1 Peter 3:15-16 .

RightNow Media

Excellent, seemingly endless resource for all age groups of faith-based, Bible teaching videos. 


"Sermonindex's assignment is to honour and preserve the past preaching of God's Word and to promote revival to this generation."

Spiritual Counterfeits Project (SCP)

Since 1973, SCP was formed to be a frontline ministry confronting the occult, cults and the New Age movement; publishes "SCP Journal" -- a four time first place Evangelical Press Association (EPA) periodical award winner. 

White Horse Inn

'For a modern reformation / A mulitimedia catalyst for reformation.' Offers evidence and perspectives of the reformation movement, directed by Dr. Michael Horton, professor at Westminster Seminary California, Escondido. 

(Back to top)

 Book & Gift 

Billy Graham Bookstore / Ruth's Attic

Online gift shop offers classic Billy Graham crusade sermons, books and movie releases at discounted rates.

Offering a large selection of discounted evangelical books, Bibles and gifts.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Electronic library, bookstore.

Faith Center Christian Book & Bible Store

13027 Perris Blvd., Moreno Valley, CA 92553. 951.485-0767. Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. This jewel of store offers an excellent selection of reformed and contemporary Christian literature. You will find sought after out-of-print study books here at discounted prices. Bible tracts, gifts and cards. On the corner, plenty of parking. 


Located in Lake Arrowhead Village. 2800 Highway 189-#C-140, Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352. 909.337-4469. 

Noah's Ark 

Discount brick and morter warehouse (40 - 70% off most items) across the river from Old Town Temecula; two stores in one location. Books & Bibles, Gifts, Cards, DVD's, CD's, Jewelry, Caps, Shirts, Ties, well-stocked Jewish and Spanish sections. Store hours: Mon - Fri 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Closed Sunday. 951.693-0306. 28545 Felix Valdez Rd., #B-4, Temecula, CA 92590. ATTENTION: Churches, schools & ministries: store items provided at special wholesale pricing for fundraisers, book tables, etc. Owner: Scott Vanyo Shop Online:    


'Sharing God's love.' Among many other church outreach products, this site offers movie packages including movie, posters, flyers, door hangers and licenses for churches to show films to audiences.

Timothy Hughes - Rare & Early Newspapers

Stock includes original Colonial, Great Awakening publications -- at press time. 

Noah's Ark Book Attic

Specializing in rare and antiquarian books. Tryon, N. Carolina. 828.859-5141.

Springs of Life Christian Bookstore (Murrieta campus sold; CC Bible College campuses @ Twin Peaks, Costa Mesa)

28779 Via Las Flores, Murrieta, CA 92563. 951.696-7177. Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sunday. Located on the legendary Murrieta Hot Springs campus of Calvary Chapel Bible College, training ground for pastors and teachers to go and minister the Word to all the world.

Premier Collectibles 

'America's largest autographed book store.' Offers authenticated autographed first editions. Author signatures include Dr. Ben Carson, Jay Sekulow, Mike Huckabee and George W. Bush.

 Digital News Sites - Media 

"My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge." -Hosea 4:6


American Report 

Conservative, political news and information on 2020 Election not available in NYT's, CNN; provides an extensive listing of politically conservative sites.

Assist News Service

Online international website to assist saints in strategic times.


Assyrian International News Agency

'News & Anaylsis of Assyrian and Assyrian-related issues worldwide.' Included for its daily news of the Assyrian Christian genocide by Islamic State terrorists. 


'Media is broken. We have one agenda: Help people get smarter, faster.'

Baptist Press 

News with a Christian perspective covering critical issues that shape your life, work and ministry; sports with a spiritual attitude, sharing the witness of Christ in athletics.

British Broadcasting Corporation

See film report of the persecution of Christians and Christianity on the Ninevah Plain by Islamic State in 2015; search: Kill the Christians.

Black Christian News Network One (BCNN1)

'The #1 daily Black Christian internet newspaper for praying, thinking, and doing Christians.'

Breaking Christian News 

'Be informed, Inspired, Intrigued'

Calvary Chapel Magazine

'God is active in our lives --- our vision is to show this truth through testimonies of men and women who have been transformed by the Lord.'


Catholic Online

Included for its coverage of the Christian genocide in the Middle East by Islamic State and Boko Haram in Africa; search: Islamic State genocide.

997 Centerville Turnpike, Virginia Beach, VA 23463, CBN switchboard: 757.226.7000, 24-hour prayer: 1.800.823.6053.

 Charisma Media

Christian multi-media company 'inspiring people to radically change their world through the diversifed resources the company produces.'

China Christian Daily

Comprehensive news site, est. 2015. Affliated with Chinese Christian Media, established 2006. Evangelical, considers all Christ-centered denominations equal members in Christ. 

Christian Emergency Network

Seeks to inform and prepare the Christian community for emergencies.

International online news based in San Diego,

A comprehensive big tent web site presenting articles, news and resources on Christian issues.

The Christian Institute -News

Faith-based, multi-faceted nonprofit organization headquartered in United Kingdom promoting the good news of Jesus Christ in the public square. 

Christian News Network

Provides up-to-date news and information affecting the body of Christ worldwide from an uncompromising biblical worldview.

Christian Post

Covering national and international news, persecution of Christians by Islamic State and Boko Haram. Editor's note: be forewarned, this site tends to use inappropriate digital advertising methods.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW)

'Voice for the Voiceless.'

The Christian Times

National and international news. RIP: LAST EDITION PUBLISEHD ONLINE NOVEMBER 2018. 

Christianity Today 

Comphrensive news site offering many select publications, the flagship of Billy Graham Evangelistic Ministries publications.

Christian Writers Association of Nigeria 

'Writng For Church Growth and National Transformation;' mandate. 

Committee to Protect Journalists

An independent, non-profit organization that promotes press freedom worldwide.

Order / review: 'Online Privacy Guide for Journalists 2019.'


'The Evangelical Voice for Today'

Epoch Times

'Fastest growing independent news media in America; est. 2000 by Chinese who faced oppression in China. 

Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission 

An arm of the Southern Baptist Convention ... dedicated to engage the culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ and speak to the issues in the public square.

Evangelical Focus

About: A news and opinion website for Europe; to provide a voice to eVangelical Christians who often are not heard, build bridges between churches and society and do journalism for God's mission in Europe.

Evangelical Press Association

Journalism accountability and Code of Ethics for Christian online, cable and print publications; national directory of EPA member publications.

Fides News Agency

Information service of the Pontifical Mission Societies since 1927.' Covers worldwide news of the persecution of Christians.

Fixed Point Foundation 

Bridging sacred and secular news.

Frank (Lindell-TV)

24/7 news, inteviews, commentary w/host Brannon Howse. 2020 Election fraud coverage. 

Gatestone Institute 

Dedicated to educating the pubic about what the mainstream media fails to report ... such as military and diplomatic threats to the United States and our allies, human rights, institutions of democracy and the persecution of Christians.

Gateway Pundit 

A politically conservative news site banned from Twitter over the 2020 election results.  

Glen Beck 

Conservative-right views on American politics.


Inspirational stories of what God is doing in ministry and in the lives of people worldwide.

Gospel Herald

International news web site covers persecution of Christians by Islamic State and others.

Human Rights Watch

'Defends the rights of people worldwide.'

Initiate Media

A leading independent Christian media company, operating in the U.S., UK, Australia and New Zealand. Produces a range of media products and services with goal of producing 'world's best' media with the aim of spreading the word of God globally.

Israel 365 News

News site based in Israel with a biblical perspective.

The Jerusalem Post

The leading news source for english-speaking Jewry since 1932, published in English and French.

The Jewish Press

News of the Jews, Israel & the World.'

Life, family and cultural news.

Live Action News

The publishing arm of Live Action, publishing pro-life news and commentary from a pro-life perspective.  

MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor

Scrutinizes Islamist terrorism and violent extremism worldwide, with special focus on activity within and emanating from the Arab world, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran; also lone-wolf attacks in the West.

MIT Technology Review

'120 Years: Reporting on important technologies and innovations since 1899, with the backing of the world's #1 technology institute. 72 people: Committed to the belief that technology changes the world and that its a powerful force for good in humanity.'

Morning Star News

Independent news service focusing on worldwide Christian persecution. 

My Christian Daily


A family news network, cable and online.

Nations in Action (aka Italy did it)

Site claim 2020 Election fraud investigations lead to Italy sources; founded in 2017 and born out of the need to address the collapse of civil society with families struggling to maintain faith, values and virtue. Founder Maria Zack. 

Project Veritas 

Conservative investigative journalism targeting Democrat liberal-left corruption.  

Radio Free Europe / Pressroom

Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently

A citizen journalism effort at risk to expose human rights abuses by Islamic State [who was] occupying the northern Syrian city of Raqqa which IS utilized as a de facto captital.

RealClear Investigations

'An original new voice in journalism' launched in 2016 to 'fill a need for a trusted arbiter of investigative news;' a 501(c)(3) non-profit supported by RealClearFoundation. 

Religion News Service

A nonprofit wire service delivering current coverage about religion, ethics, spirituality and moral issues based in Washington D.C.  

Religion Newswriters Association

Helping journalists across the globe cover religion with balance, accuracy and insight.


The Right Side w/Doug Billings

Interviews below the mainstream media radar, faith-based conservative news

Salem Media Group 

America's leading radio broadcaster, Internet content provider and magazine and book publisher targeting audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values.' Owns and operates 115 radio stations, 73 in nation's top 25 markets -- and 25 in the top ten markets.

Site Intelligence Group 

Provides governments, institutions, news and missions groups verified intelligence and analysis on terrorist and extremist group activity. 

Stars and Stripes

America's military news. 


A national daily offering original and aggregate news, cultivates the high common ground shared by evangelicals, Catholics and Orthodox Christians, including common ground of Jews and Christians.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Included for its news coverage about the war(s) within Syria.


News in Spanish / English from our neighbor border city where journalists risk their lives to expose crime.

Together L.A. 

A movement of pastors, church leaders and people of faith who love L.A.

Vatican Insider 

News coverage about war crimes committed by Islamic State terrorists towards Catholics.                                                                                                               

Voice of America

Included for it's coverage of the war on terrorism in the Middle East and Africa.


'Israel's largest and most popular news and content website.'

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Education - Vocation - Career

Best Christian Colleges in America 

Guide to Accredited Online Colleges & Schools

70 Best Christian Colleges & Universities -Crosswalk Editorial Staff

Alliance Homeschool Academics

Based in Temecula, for Southern California students, online and inclass meetings. Reasonably priced quality homeschool faith-based education. Register now for 2020-2021 school year. Concurrently works with Emmaus Classical Academy tutoring in writings of C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, G.K. Chesterton (Inklings), Socratic method. 

Association of Christian Schools International

Azusa Pacific University (Azusa)

The faith-based main campus located in Azuza and satelite campuses in Riverside County also offer online and evening courses for undergraduate and graduate degrees.

Offering evening / online undergraduate and graduate degrees.


California Department of Education 

Includes state Academic Performance Index (API) public and charter school ratings (1-10). Click on Testing and Accountability, then click on Academic Performance Index and type school name, city or zip code in search.  

California Public School Ratings 

Applies CDE API scores to chart local school state ratings.

California School Dashboard -An online tool that show how local educational agencies and schools are performing on the state and local level. It is a key part of major shifts in California K-12 schools ... provides information that schools can use to improve. 

California School Directory 

Includes elementary, secondary public and private schools; districts and county offices of education. 

Calvary Bible Institute (Yucca Valley)

Calvary Chapel Bible College (Murrieta)

Calvary Murrieta Christian School (K-8/Murrieta)

Mission Statement: Partnering with families to educate, equip, and disciple students for a lifelong commitment of loving and serving Christ. A K-8 educational facility with two campuses (elementary and middle school). 24225 Monroe Avenue, Murrieta, CA 92562. Phone: 951.834-9190. 

Christian Arts & Theater of Corona

After school theater & arts educational program for students 5-18. Committed to building up kids through excellence in the arts as well as modeling for them the highest morals through traditional biblical values. 

Christian Youth Theater (CYT)

An after-school theater arts training program located in Riverside's Temecula community for students 4-18 years old. It is the largest youth theater in the nation, with Branches across the nation; holds after-school traiing classes during the week at Linfield Christian School, Temecula. 

Debt Free: How to Graduate from College Debt Free -- by Dave Ramsey

For Kids and Country

The main problem with the public school system are the state and national unions, according Rebecca Friedrichs, a former California public school teacher and now CEO of For Kids and Country. She is a legitimate advocate for embracing a public school district's Local Association, and 'ditching the bully state and national unions.' The Janus v. AFSCME U.S. Supreme Court case freed teachers to opt out of paying union dues used for political causes teachers may not endorse. But that SCOTUS win is only a start to win local control of school districts and get our kids back to learning the three R's -- and not Leftist agendas. 

Half-Off Tuition

Offered for select Southern California Christian K-12 School (parents can also request application for school of choice, not guaranteed).1.844-800-5757; sponosred by The Answer: Inteliigent - Conservative - AM1170 & FM96.1 North County / San Diego. 

La Sierra Academy (Riverside)

7th Day Adventist K-12 college preparatory education; affiliated health food store, cafe and bookstore across street.

Liberty Bible College & Seminary 

Florida, online.

Linfield Christian School 

K-12 college prep in Temecula; SAT average score 1180, AP courses, 4-year bio-med, engineering path, uniforms. 

Prager University 

Over 2-billion visits; a conservative, age-appropriate site to learn in short video segments about traditional American and religious values contrasted with current misconceptions portrayed in media and education. Educators include Nobel Prize recepiants, scholars of Ivy League and UC universities, Stanford. 

Private School Review - California

Categorized by student average SAT scores; includes student to teacher ratio, tuition costs/assistance, AP courses, Christian schools. 

Revival Christian Academy 

Homeschool support group exists to provide guidance, support and accountability to those parents who have chosen to privately home educate their children to the glory of God.

RN-to-MSN Online & Campus-Based Programs*

RN-to-MSN programs in online database.

RN-to-BSN Programs Online*

RN-to-BSN online programs.

Rescue Your Child

Provides information regarding California public school LGBT laws affecting K-12 students in the classroom, the loss of parental rights and viable options to rescue children out of public [government] schools. A project of

'Frontline pro-family leader standing strong for moral virtues for the common good.' Site provides list of little known LGBT and sex education laws enforced in K-12 California government schools.                           

Southwest Bible College (Moreno Valley)

13890 Nason Street, Moreno Valley, CA 92555; 951.333.2594. 

One of the top three websites used by history teachers and students in Britain; three million unique visitors monthly. 

Top Christian Colleges Guide -Ranked by Money, Forbes, U.S. News and Princeton Review.

Top Online Christian Colleges and Universities -2019

U.S. Department of Education 

Christian parents have established rights for their public-schooled children to live and express their faith in classwork without fear, intimidation and reprisal. If this is not the case, seek attorney advise such as California's Pacific Justice Institute. Don't be fooled: public school kids who are often bullied -- and off the radar -- are those who try to live the straight and narrow and just try do their school work and be a good citizen. 

Vacaville Christian Schools

Christ-centered education; 700 students, 18 AP courses, SAT average score: 1462

Veritas Evangelical Seminary (Santa Ana)

Westminster Seminary California (Escondido)

Woodcrest Christian School

K-12 college prep in Riverside, SAT average score 1140, AP courses, casual dress code. 

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Good Samaritan - Persecuted Church Ministries


Based in London, 'dedicated to the protection and promotion of religious freedom in Iran and advocating on behalf of its persecuted Christians.'

Baptist Global Response

A disaster relief and community development organization helping people in desperate need throughout the world. Categories of providing assistance and relief include the needs in agriculture and livestock, clean water, disaster response, health care, human trafficking (rescue and rehabilitation), hunger, micro enterprise and job skills, refugees and IDPs; widows, orphans and children. 

Barnabas Fund 

'Aim the majority of our aid at Christians living in Muslim environments.' Providing aid to Christians facing starvation from the devastation caused to crops from plague of locusts in Africa and Asia.

Best Christmas Ever 

Serving families who have fallen on tough times through 'pillars of support' program (video).

Charity Navigator

Providing access to accountability and transparency in non-profit organizations.

Evangelical Immigration Table 

'We call for a bipartisan solution on immigration that respects the God-given dignity of every person ... respects the rule of law ... and secures our national borders.' Signatory list of prominent evangelical leaders, pastors. 

Feeding America

Foiunded in 1979, 'our mission is to feed America's hungry' and it is now 'the nation's largest domestic hunger-relief organization' with a network of 200 food banks across the country. Rated highly by watchdog organizations, Feeding America offers fulfilling career opportunities helping people .struggling to get enough to eat. 

Free Burma Rangers (FBR)

Founded by U.S. Army and Ranger officer David Eubank who desires to 'share the love of Jesus Christ and to help people be free from oppression,' FBR is a humanitarian service movement for oppressed ethnic minorities of all races and religions in the Burma, Kurdistan and Sudan war zones. A unique ministry in that Eubanks wife and three children serve with him in the field as he supervises 70 ministry teams. A list of team members who lost their lives in ministry is provided. 

Fred Jordan Missions

'Providing nourishing food, warm clothing, blankets and other vital provisions for people in need' in Los Angeles since 1944. Fred (deceased) and Willie Jordan ministered to people from all over the world and most of their children -- as well as Willie -- continue do so. Note: Willie is the aunt of Riverside & Orange county-based pastor-evangliest Greg Laurie

Gospel for Asia 

'Over 40 years of transforming communities with God's love. More than 70,000 children are receiving an education, medical care, and a daily meal -- all done in the name of Christ and His love.'

International Christian Concern 

'Exists to relieve suffering of the worldwide persecuted church and help it grow in strength and breadth; accomplishes its mission through effective assistance, advocacy and awareness with integrity toward God and our donors.' Also publishes 'Persecution' monthly magazine




Open Doors USA 

For over 60 years, founded by Brother Andrew ('God's Smuggler') Open Doors has been a community of believers who support persecuted believers in more than 60 countries. - International Christian Concern (ICC)

Monthly magazine, weekly email updates, news & reports, projects and taking action in D.C. and elsewhere. 'Every year, some 200 million Christians suffer some level of persecution. The press is silent and the Western Church is largely asleep on the subject. We exist to Build, to Bandage, and to Defend the suffering body of Christ.' 

Samaritan's Purse

Founded by Franklin Graham, Samartian's Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world since 1970.

Sheepdog Church Security

Provides training materials for part-time church safety, security directors. Training bundles are perfect for medium to small-size churches with limited resources. 

The Voice of the Martyr 

Founded in 1967 by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned for 14 yerars in Communist Romania. VOM is a nonprofit, interdominational Christian missions organization dedicated to serving our persecuted family worldwide through practical and spiritual assistance.

Radio FM

KLRD 90.1 FM

'Air1 is a nondenominational, nonprofit, listener supported radio network.' Contemporary Christian music, fun on-air personalities and contests. What We Believe statement of faith includes: 'We must dedicate ourselves anew to the service of our Lord and to His authority over our lives (Col. 2:9-11, Eph. 6:7-8).'

San Diego's Wave of Living Water is a radio ministry of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. 'Our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with San Diego and the Temecula Valley.' Programs include sermons by national Calvary Chapel pastors and fellow conservative biblically-based pastors and teachers.

Family Friendly -- Good News Radio is a ministry 'Making a Difference in Southern California,' sharing encouraging and uplifting music, friendship and stories of faith. Radio signal covers 1700 square miles (Inland Empire, Orange County, Los Angeles). Station began at La Sierra College in Riverside, 1958, as KNFP. Shares news about special community events at local churches. 

Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's 'Southern California's Wave of Living Water,' referred to as radio's '24-hour seminary.' Sermons mostly by national Calvary Chapel pastors. Links to other sites; offers news, music, 'Pastor's Perspective' program Mon-Fri at 3 p.m.

Westside Christian Fellowship Radio -

A non-denominational church in West Los Angeles launches radio outreach; available livestream and via app. Rebroadcast speakers include pastors Greg Laurie, David Jeremiah.

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Taxpayer Federal, State and Local Resources 


Quick Starts:

For information on grants, benefits, jobs, insurance, immigration, passports:

Find your U.S. Senator, current legislation, etc.: US Senate

Find your U.S. Congressman, current legislation, etc.: US House of Representatives


I. United States Federal Legislative Body

1. President of the United States: Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. (D); The White House

2. California US Senators: Dianne Feinstein (D). Alex Padilla (D). 

3. US (local) Congressman: Ken Calvert (R), 42nd District.

II. California State Legislative Body

  1. Governor of California: Gavin Newsom, (D).
  2. State Senators: District 23, Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (R); District 28, Melissa A. Melendez (R). 
  3. State Assembly: District 67, Kelly Seyarto (R).

Find Your California Representative.


III. Riverside County Legislative Body

Riverside County - Board of Supervisors

 County Administrative Center, 4080 Lemon St., Riverside, CA 92501

IV. Southwestern Riverside City Councils

Lake Elsinore / Menifee / MurrietaPerris / Temecula

Additional Government Links:

California Legislative Information

Provides links to California Constitution, Bill information, California law, today's committee hearings.

California Secretary of State

Center for Disease Control and prevention

Internal Revenue Service

IRS, State, Student Loan: Payments

Medicare / Medicaid Open Enrollment Guidance (Oct. 15 - Dec. 7)

Online Archive of California 

Access to state and local libraries, institution and government archives.

Poverty Guidelines

Social Security Retirement Benefits

Calculate your social security retirement checks, apply.

Transparent California

Access to salaries and pensions of state and county public employees -- including elected officials.

U.S. Department of Education

U.S. Department of the Interior 

'Mission: Protecting America's great outdoors'

U.S. Geological Survey (earthquake info)

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 Various Links 

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth 

Over 3000 Architects & Engineers sign petition the official 9/11 story is not accurate or truthful, cite overwhelming forensic and eyewitness evidence of pre-planted explosives use. See video presentation 'Behind the Smoke Curtain' by former Ronald Reagan appointee Barbara Honegger. See related research: Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry; Pilots for 9/11 Truth; Physics911.

The Armenian Genocide Museum - Institute

Photo Collection of Armenian Genocide committed by Turkish Muslims against those who professed Christ, circa 1915.

The American Presidency Project

Includes political party platforms from 1840-2012, blue / red state voting trends, campaign speeches, etc.

Calvary Chapel Association

Endorsed by pastor Chuck Smith in July of the year he passed away (2013); CCA's website explains the genesis of the Calvary Chapel movement under the leadership of Chuck Smith, its distinctives as a movement, its current regional leadership, church locater, and the Association's direct admonition and reasons for all CC's to remove themselves from the church locater overseen by Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's new pastor, Smith's son-in-law, pastor Brian Brodersen, who resigned from CCA in 2016. However, in 2019 most of the approximately1500 CC;s worldwide are registered in both church locater systems.

Start a petition website.

Chick Tracts -

Still around -- and effective -- after all this years; a classic tract ministry. Collector's items. 

Equipped to Love 

Evidence contrary to the PC culture of politics and media: a true faith-in-Jesus Christ can change homosexual behavior patterns and affection. Convincing testimonies of those who have 'come-out' of the LGBT community and now live a joyful life for Christ.  

The Forerunner


Christian video sharing website, music & entertainment

The Heritage Foundation

'The nation's most broadly supported public policy research institute.'

I AM Second

'Inspiring people to put Jesus first. Real Stories. Changing lives. People redeemed. Lives transformed' 'White chair' interviews with celebrities who profess a faith in Christ.  

Keith Green Ministries

In July 1982, a private plane crash took the lives of evangelist musician-songwriter Keith Green, two of his four children and guests at his Christian community-ministry ranch in Garden Valley, Texas. The music and vision of Last Days Ministries, however, lives on through the effort of his wife, Melody, who oversees a Mexican orphange and is assisting in a major film of Keith in progress.  

Looking for God?

Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

Located in Beverly Hills, CA, the holocaust museum offers group tours, interactive lessons. 

Money Map Press

Help with financial planning including Social Security income windows closing May 1, taxes, retirement and investments. 


'Every Political Leader on Every Issue.'


'Putting the protest in protestant,' and 'Love is not the same as nice.' Patheos offfers the most extensive information on the internet in the areas of religion and spirituality; is the premier online destination to engage in global dialogue about religion and spirituality; is Evangelical grounded.  

Public Religion Research Institute

'To help journalists, opinion leaders, scholars, clergy and the general public better understand debates or public policy issues and the role of religion and values in American public life.'


Connect with your scientific community; access to 135 million publication pages. Stay up to date with what's happening in your field. Includes papers in engineering, mathematics, biology, computer science, climate change, medicine, physics, astrophysics, chemistry, social science ... 

Sidney Powell

Evidence of Fraud -- 2020 Election; the respected attorney lists her fact-finding mission to protect the integrity of the election. 

Sierra Club

'Explore, enjoy and protect the planet.' Military Outdoors program worth looking into for America's veterans.

'Rumor has it...' Site dedicated in separating fact from fiction in internet rumor control. 

Witherspoon Institute

A conservative Washington D.C.-based thinktank on moral issues of the day.

*Indicates listing request.    

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InterChurch News -- Local to International Outreach

Established 2013 in southwestern Riverside County, the InterChurch News site unique visitors include readers locally and from 120 nations including Afghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaidjan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbardos, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyrus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, Former Czechoslovakia, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Lativia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macendonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Vincent & Grenadines, Samoa Islands, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Vatican City State, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands and Zimbabwe.