InterChurch News 

'A truthful witness saves lives' -Proverbs 14:25

Member: California Newspaper Publishers Assoc. / Digital News  

October 2024 / Est. 2013


Solomon said

"Deliver those who are being taken away to death,

And those who are staggering to slaughter, Oh hold them back."

-Proverbs 24:11 (NASB)

 2018 IC News  visitors: U.S., Canada, China, Israel, France, Germany, Great Britain, Japan ... (full list).

.Cover photo:

'The Intent of Christmas' in Romoland, Calif. -Photo IC News


'Thank you' (R). -Adobe Stock Photo

News & Notable 2018

News of the week -- unless otherwise noted.

Week 52 | December 23 - 29 

  • A 'Seventeen' band member survives deadly Indonesia tsunami. -HR
  • L.A. 'Faith Caravan' delivers aid to migrants in Tijuana (12/22). -SDUT
  • Top Der Spiegel journalist fired for writing fake news (12/22). -Spectator
  • Boise priest sentenced to 25 years in prison (12/20). -Idaho Statesman

The Bible says: Isaiah 40:28 | Solomon said: Proverbs 24:11

Job Ops: Work for Warriors

Cover photo: 'The Intent of Christmas' in Romoland, California. -Photo IC News

Week 51 | December 16 - 22

  • 'Facebook's biggest problem is I can stop using it -- and be just fine.' -CNBC
  • 'Issac: A Picture of Christ -- A Bride for the Son,' by Chuck Smith. -CCM
  • A pro-life initiative for children to thank president Trump (12/15). -CFC
  • 'First Step Act' to recognize prisoners are made in God's image (12/14). -RNS

The Bible says: Revelation 19:10 | Solomon says: Ecclesiastes 3:1

Job Ops: California Baptist University

Cover photo: John Katina of The Katinas. The award winning five-brother band performed during their 'Spirit of Christmas Tour' at Revival Christian Fellowship in Menifee on December 12. -Screenshot by IC News.

Week 50 | December 9 - 15

  • Bringing help and hope to N. Calif. fire survivor victims. -Samaritan's Purse
  • Sierra snowpack well-above average after California storms. -AP
  • Residents return to Paradise, California -- leveled by wildfire (12/5). -AP
  • Faith groups rise to meet needs of migrant caravan in Tijuana (12/11). -RNS

The Bible says: Psalm 9:11 | Solomon said: Proverbs 9:17-18

Job Ops: Legoland

Cover photo: Big Bear Snowpack from Riverside County, December 8, 2018. -Photo by IC News

Week 49 | December 2 - 8

  • Ugandan Muslim mob incites police to arrest 6 pastors (11/30). -Morning Star News
  • DNA research confirms humans, animals began in separate single pairs (11/28). -God Reports
  • 'Ponitus Pilate' is discovered on 2000-year-old ring (11/30). -New York Times
  • Tawain voters rally against high court, overwhelmingly vote to keep traditional marriage laws intact (11/28). -Baptist Press

The Bible says: Psalm 2:2-3 | Solomon said: Proverbs 2:6ff

Job Ops: The Getty Center

Cover photo: Farm Tractors #5 and #6 vs. Fugitive Dust Control in Menifee, Riverside County, November 14, 2018. -Photo IC News

Week 48 | November 25 - December 1

  • All Nations missionary agency speaks of John Allen Chau -- killed by a remote tribe (podcast). -Christianity Today
  • U.S. Attorney agrees to hearing for alleged use of 9/11 WTC explosive devices. -Architects & Engineers
  • MSNBC: Majority of Honduran migrant caravan in Tijuana are men -- not families (video). -WFB

The Bible says: Jude 1:21 | Solomon said: Proverbs 26:17

Job Ops: NBCUniversal

Cover photo: 'When I was a child ...' - I Corinthians 13:11. -Photo IC News

Week 47 | November 18 - 24 

The Bible says: Genesis 1:1 | Solomon said: Proverbs 18:9

Job Ops: Infineon

Cover photo: 'Be Still and Know that I am God ...' -Psalm 46:10.

Week 46 | November 11 - 17

    • Funeral: Deputy Sheriff Ron Helus --- a hero at Calif. mass shooting. -VCS
    • Volunteers neededhelp Camp fire survivors with debris cleanup. -Samaritan's Purse
    • FTSB: More soil, air toxin tests at Santa Susana Field Lab, Woolsey fire site. -VCS
    • Woolsey fire burns toxic nuclear test site; is nuclear ash over L.A.? -HNN
    • Parents accuse CDC of not reporting children's deaths from polio-like AFM (video). -HNN
    • Fire updates: 228 people still missing in ParadiseCalabasas under mandatory evacuation. -LA Times
    • San Diego: Landlords needed to rent to 1,286 veterans, 7,290 other homeless persons. -SD
    • 2018 Election results: A blue wave? Not by historical standards. -Ballotpedia
    • Republican John Cox 'won' in Riverside, San Bernardino ... 32 of 58 counties.
    • Asia Bibi has been released from Pakistan prison. -Aleteia (11/8)
    • Pakistan Christian woman accused of blasphemy seeks U.K-U.S. asylum. -SN (11/04)

The Bible says: Job 42:2 | Solomon says: Proverbs 11:30

Job Ops: U.S.

Cover photo: Happy Veteran's Day - 2018. -Adobe Stock Photo

Week 45 | November 4 - 10

The Bible says: Psalm 36:9 | Solomon said: Proverbs 14:34

Week 44 | October 28 - November 3

  • U.S. Supreme Court agrees to hear veteran's memorial cross appeal. -CN
  • After 8 years on death row, Pakistan acquits Asia Bibi of blasphemy. -ANS
  • GOP outspending Democrats 5 to 1 in key state races. -Vox
  • U.S. births with illegal immigrant parents fell to 250,000 in 2016. -PRC
  • Pre-Obama era: 'Illegal Immigrant Births -- At Your Expense.' -CBS (2008)
  • Trump to end an illegal immigration incentive: birthright citizenship. -Axios
  • AFM: 10 new cases of polio-like illness confirmed (video). -WSBTV
  • Sessions details next steps for DOJ's Religious Liberty Task Force. -NBC
  • Rabbi: Synagogue shooting is 'wake-up call.' -Breaking Israel News
  • 'Lie of the enemy,' led to Pa. synagogue mass murder. -Baptist Press

The Bible says: Zechariah12:9 | Solomon said: Proverbs 28:26

Job Ops: USAJobs

Cover photo: 'October Sunrise, Riverside.' -Photo IC News

Week 43 | October 21 - 27

  • NY Times runs Trump assassination tale a day before bomb threats. -DC
  • 'The Open Border Activists Behind the Illegal Immigrant Caravans.' -CR
  • Self-identifying satanist preteens plotted to kill 15 co-students (video). -FOX
  • CDC investigates AFM cases -- a polio-like syndrome to children (video). -NBC
  • My Faith Votes voter assistance.
  • Massive migrant caravan headed to U.S. crosses into Mexico. -The Guardian
  • Border Patrol: Record Central Americans surrendering at border. -CBP (10/19)
  • Posthumous column of slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. -WP

The Bible says: 1 Timothy 6:8 | Solomon said: Proverbs 24:17-18

Job Ops: San Bernardino County

Cover photo: Abandoned Person, City of Riverside. -Photo IC News.  Homeless by county: Riverside - 2,165; Los Angeles - 49.955. Homeless in America553,742.

Week 42: October 14 - 20

  • Washington Post columnist reportedly killed inside Istanbul's Saudi consulate. -CPJ
  • Editorial: Mr. President: Name-calling needs to end today. -IC News
  • Up to 30,000 IS terrorists still in the fight for Iraq, Syria. -AINA (10/13)
  • From Turkish prison to Oval Office, freed pastor prays for Trump. -AP (10/13)

The Bible says: John 5:39-40 | Solomon said: Proverbs 14:31

Job Ops: UC-Riverside

Cover photo: 'For By Grace ...' -Adobe Stock photo. 

Week 41 | October 7 - 13

  • Prayer, Trump sanctions prevail, Turkey releases pastor Brunson. -ANS
  • Movie: 'Gosnell' portrays the abortion doctor's 2013 trial, opens Oct. 12. -BP
  • Piloted Calif. textbook uses SF drag queen to teach 2nd graders 'honesty.' -CF
  • John Cox trails Gavin Newsom 12 points in Calif. governor's race. -RealClear
  • Help recent hurricane, earthquake-tsunami and fire victims: Samaritan's Purse
  • Five PA teen girls falsely accused boy of sexual assault -- his parents sue. -DailyWire
  • Ban on same-sex couples roils Azuza Pacific University. -Sacramento Bee
  • SOS Pompeo, State Dept. advances Obama-era LGBTI views on world. -LSN
  • The Kavanaugh fallout: Sen. Collins' logic, yet an unhinged Left. -NY Post
  • ACLU claims it's non-partisan, but follow the $$$. -Alan M. Dershowitz/GI
  • Trump signs bill to protect all U.S. religious institutions. -Jewish News Service
  • Writer for Colbert tweets: '... glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh's life.' -AT
  • Noble Peace Prize shared by two anti-war crime activists. -BBC

The Bible says: Matthew 24:12-13 | Solomon said: Proverbs 8:10-11

Job Ops: California Department of Education

Cover photo: Farm Tractor #4 vs. Fugitive Dust Control, Winchester, CA., October 11, 2018. -Photo IC News.

Week 40 | September 30 - October 6

  • Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed by Senate, 50-48. -BBC 
  • Editorial: Sen. Graham to Democrats: '... power. I hope you never get it.' -IC News
  • Sen. Susan Collins to vote 'yes' to confirm SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh. -BDN
  • Trust-Commitment-Love: Lou Holtz's 2015 Steuberville speech (video). -PS
  • Op-ed: 'Kavanaugh: An Easy Vote.' -Kimberley A. Strasse/WSJ
  • Op-ed: 'For Once, I am Grateful to Trump.' -Bret Stephens/NY Times
  • Parallels: McMartin Preschool, Salem Witchcraft trials. -Famous Trials
  • Op-ed: Was Kavanaugh's anger because -- he is wrongly accused? -J. Goldberg/LA Times
  • Perspective: Crimes Kavanaugh faced since July 9. -Jim Treacher/PJ Media
  • Rachel Mitchell: 'Analysis of Dr. Christine Blassey Ford's Allegations.' -WP
  • Investigation: Fed terminates fetal tissue research supplier contract. -ERLC (9/28)
  • Evangelicals investing millions to get voters from pew to poll for mid-terms. -CP (9/29)
  • Book: 'Walking God's Way,' by Claire Offerton. -Dan Wooding/ANS

The Bible says: Psalm 43:1-3 | Solomon said: Proverbs 25:8-9

Job Ops: Work for Warriors

Cover photo: Farm Tractor #2 vs. Fugitive Dust Control, Perris, October 1, 2018. -Photo IC News

Week 39 | September 23 - 29

  • Flake, Ford, Kavanaugh and one person's word. -Law & Crime
  • Senate GOP initiates FBI investigation into Ford allegations. -CNBC
  • Historic footage of tragic Ford-Kavanaugh hearing. -GrayDC
  • Sen. Graham roars at a shameful Senate Judiciary (video). -Politico
  • 344 pastors sign 'Declaration of Christian Faith' facing persecution under Xi. -Gospel Herald
  • Orange County Register, ten other newspapers endorse John Cox for Calif. governor. -OCR
  • Ted Cruz, wife forced from D.C. restaurant by anti-Kavanaugh mob. -Washington Examiner
  • Yale Law School students stage sit-in over Kavanaugh assault claims, 31 classes cancelled. -Law & Crime
  • Hillsong: its own denomination (9/20). -CN

The Bible says: Isaiah 53:4 | Solomon said: Proverbs 23:26-28

Job Ops: Feds Hire Vets

Cover photo: One Farm Tractor vs. No Dust Zone, Menifee Valley (L). Farmers are exempt (see 'Fugitive Dust Control-Coachella Valley' 403:1(i)(3)) from SCAQMD dust control laws. Inland Empire counties rate among the worst air quality regions in nation. -Photo IC News

Week 38 | September 16 - 22

  • Third named witness of Kavanaugh's accuser states 'no recollection' of alleged incident. -NR
  • 'History' for sale: Rare & Early Newspapers: 'The Christian History' (1700s).
  • Communal 'hippie house' was ground zero for Jesus Movement. -Mark Ellis/ASN
  • Socialist GAO auditor: 'I break rules everyday.' -Project Veritas
  • 'The Unlikely Endurance of Christian Rock' by Kelefa Sanneh. -New Yorker
  • Book: 'Jesus Revolution' by Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn. -Amazon
  • California mass baptism: 550+ people baptized at Pirates Cove. -Christian Examiner (9/12)
  • Movie: 'Gosnell -- The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer,' release Oct. 12 (trailer).
  • Chararacter assassin: Kavanaugh accuser's classmate recants. -NPR
  • Socialist DOJ employee: 'We can't really get fired.' -Sara Carter
  • Could Kavanaugh face criminal charges from Ford allegations? -Law & Crime (9/14)
  • Watergate's Woodward found no evidence of Russia-Trump collusion.
  • Help Hurricane Florence victims. -Samaritan's Purse
  • Four groups of 100+ illegal immigrants left in Arizona desert by smugglers. -CPB (9/14)

The Bible says: Ecclesiastes 7:21-22 | Solomon said: Proverbs 16:3-5

Job Ops: Riverside County.

Cover photo: 'Good News' -Adobe Stock photo.

Week 37 | September 9-15

  • My Faith Votes: 'Proven strategy to mobilize Christian voters.' -DW
  • Op-ed: 90M Evangelicals -- not Independents -- are midterm swing voters. -CP
  • Suspected DUI driver kills a mom, her unborn child in head-on Hemet collision. -People
  • Oregon couple dies swept out to sea by wave, 10-year old daughter unharmed. -KPTV 
  • U.S. Border Patrol helps intercept vessel smuggling nearly1-ton of cocaine. -CBP
  • Waves within Hurrican Florence are more than 80 feet high. -CBS/AP
  • Dershowitz: 'Why did the Clinton's share the stage with Farrakhan?' -Gatestone Institute
  • Trump closes D.C. PLO office in pro-Israel move. -AP
  • FBI-DOJ leaked unverified information to the press to damage Trump Admin. -Sara Carter
  • First Lady: Op-Ed annonymous writer is 'sabotaging' U.S. (Sept 6). -Washington Examiner 
  • Gov. Brown can stop Leftist bills to indoctrinate Calif. public schools (Sept 5). -CFC
  • Interview with an exorcist: 'Satan desires to destroy ... the child' (Sept 5). -NCR

The Bible says: Psalm 9:1-2 | Solomon said: Proverbs 11:12-14

Job Ops: Christian Career Center

Cover photo: John 3:16 -Adobe Stock photo

(Back to top)

Week 36 | September 2 - 8

  • Poll: John Cox within 5% of Gavin Newsome for California governor's race. -SFC
  • COINTELPRO & Fake News link: 'Anonymous.' -Britannica, Wiki
  • 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115: Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activities. -Cornell
  • Sept 5: 'I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration,' by Anonymous. -New York Times
  • Sept 4: 'Bob Woodward's New Book Reveals a Nervous Breakdown of Trump's Presidency.' -Washington Post
  • Sept 3: 'It's Time for the Press ... to Start Fighting Back,' by Chuck Todd. -Atlantic
  • John Cox: 'Californians have to work 2 & 3 jobs ...' -Twitter
  • Trump Admin withholds $200M from Palestinian Authority for its 'pay for slay' terrorist family insurance program. -ACLJ
  • GuideStone provides guidelines for church salaries. -Baptist Press
  • Woman arrested in Nevada for traffic warrants died unable to make bail and denied medical treatment. -USA Today
  • Trump warns 100 evangelical White House dinner guests to get out the vote for November (Aug 28). -NY Times

The Bible says: Revelation 2:4 | Solomon said: Proverbs 1:7

Job Ops: Riverside Community College District

Cover photo: 'Fear not, I am the first and the last.' -Rev. 1:17-18 -Adobe Stock photo

(Back to top)

Week 35 | August 26 - September 1

  • 'What I Said and Saw' at the White House dinner. -Greg's blog
  • Breaking news: Low pulls AB 2943 -- 'ordered to inactive file.' -CFC
  • AB 2943: Calif Family Council issues last minute call list. -CFC
  • Half-staff flag rule for members of Congress: DOD, 1 day after. -Gettysburg
  • White House hosts 'state dinner' for 100 evangelical leaders. -Christian Post
  • Whistleblower: FBI's Russia probe was 'a set up' against Trump. -PJ Media
  • AB 29432 California lawmakers declare war on Christian faith. -CP
  • Book: 'Get Out Now' -- Why You Should Pull Your Child From Public School Before It's Too Late, Hasson and Farnon (Aug 2018). -Amazon
  • 96% of Google News search results for 'Trump' lead to anti-Trump sites (Aug 25). -PJ Media
  • China: Party members with religion assigned to 'thought education.' -Reuters
  • Ex-Archbishop accuses Pope of abetting 'serial predator' McCarrick, cites 'homosexual networks within clergy' as root of sex abuse scandal. -NCR
  • U.S. Senator John McCain dies. -Stars and Stripes

The Bible says: Jeremiah 12:15 | Solomon said: Ecclesiastes 4:12

Job Ops: Biola University

Cover photo: 'Make Me To Know Your Ways, O LORD ...' -Psalm 25:4 -Adobe Stock photo

(Back to top)

Week 34 | August 19 - 25

The Bible says: Matthew 18:6 | Solomon said: Proverbs 19:14

Job Ops: California Department of Education

Cover photo: Sheep by Water Truck, Menifee, CA. -John 10:27-28  (-IC News file photo)

(Back to top)

Week 33 | August 12 - 18

  • Update AB 2943: Calif Senate votes 25-11 to outlaw sexual orientation change counseling and products; Assembly floor vote as soon as Monday. -CFC
  • Movie: 'An Interview With God,' select theaters August 20-22 (trailer). -CBN
  • Lifeguards warn child drownings linked to smartphone distraction. -USA Today
  • 7 decades of priests named in Pa. grand jury sex abuse report (video). -CBS
  • Shaker: 4.4m earthquake at 6:24 p.m. in Aguanga, Riverside County area. -PE
  • Turkey - U.S. relations spiraling as Trump issues sanctions, tariffs demanding release of American pastor (video). -ABC
  • U.S. Border Patrol seizes $1M in hard drugs at Nogales port of entry. -CBP
  • FBI fires Peter Strzok -- lead investigator for the Clinton emails, Russian 2016 election interference probes. -Fox News
  • Title IX: Trump DOJ-ED rescind Obama-era 'significant guidance' letter that challenged faith-based school policies (2017). -ED
  • Fusion GPS anti-Trump dossier collusion lawsuit filed (Aug 10). -Judicial Watch
  • Iran imprisons pastor for 'promoting Zionist Christianity' (Aug 10). -ACLJ
  • Sacramento passes SB 282 legalizing family members to aid, advise, encourage assisted suicide for terminally ill (Aug 8). -CFC
  • Suicide epidemic claimed nearly 45,000 Americans in 2016 (Aug 7). -CNPA
  • Southern Baptist Convention annual reports available for review. -SBC

The Bible says: Romans 10:10-11 | Solomon said: Proverbs 12:16

Job Ops: Azuza Pacific University

Cover photo: "He said to them, 'Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.'" -Adobe Stock photo

(Back to top)

Week 32 | August 5 - 11

  • Imam's son arrested in New Mexico allegedly training children to commit school shootings (video). -CBS
  • How to help Holy fire evacuees and others impacted by blaze. -PE
  • Update: AB 2943 Calif. senate floor vote any day now; call list. -CFC
  • Church Unitedthe belief pastors can drive votes (June 20). -NY Times
  • Yazidi slavery, child trafficking: Should Turkey even be in NATO? -GI
  • Update: Holy fire suspect arrested (photos). -PE
  • Holy fire smoke advisory issued for most of IE, Orange counties. -PE
  • So Cal Harvest Crusade mall billboard ads taken down after complaints. -Christian Post
  • U.S. Senate approves $38 billion Israel security package. -BIS
  • Poll: 43% Republicans, 21% Independents, 12% Democrats believe 'the president should have the authority to close news outlets.' -DB
  • Feinstein, Trump trade jabs over her 20-year Chinese spy driver revelation (video). -CBS
  • For God or Xi? China closes churches, seeks party allegiance. -AP
  • Border Patrol arrests sex offender, attempted murder suspect. -CBP
  • Syrian Druze hostage executed by IS. -CSW

The Bible says: Ezekiel 13:22 | Solomon said: Proverbs 6:12-15

Job Ops: San Diego Zoo - Safari Park

Cover photo: Lake Elsinore is burningThe Holy fire August 9th at 5% containment -- forcing evacuations in Lake Elsinore, Riverside County.  -IC News photo

(back to top)

Week 31 | July 29 - August 4

  • 'Classic' Arizona dust storm looks biblical in effect (video). -AZ Family
  • Provident Bank partnership program has provided $570k to local IE nonprofits. -Press Enterprise
  • Padre relief ace Trevor Hoffman MLB Hall of Fame induction speech (video). -Christian Post
  • Calvary Chapel Association requested affiliates to opt out of the Calvary Global Network Church Finder database -- 2 years later many are still listed.
  • In Memoriam: Journalist, professor Doug Trouten, 1959-2018. -E. Newman
  • Israeli rabbis interpret blood moons, earthquakes as prophetic signals. -Breaking Israel News
  • Sessions announces Religious Liberty Task Force (video). -The Hill
  • Manafort's pre-Russia probe finances are focus of Mueller case Tuesday. -WSJ
  • Detained American pastor vilified by Turkish state media. -Gatestone Institute
  • N. Korea's return of U.S. war dead is start of long ID process. -Stars and Stripes
  • 2 children, great-grandmother perish in N. California fire. -AP

The Bible says: Luke 6:27-28 | Solmon said: Proverbs 28:26

Job OpsRiverside County

Cover photo: "And Jesus said, 'Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.'" -Adobe stock photo

(Back to top)

Week 30 | July 22 - 28

  • Temecula man charged with 15 counts of arson pleads not guilty, accused of starting 9 fires in Riverside County-Press Enterprise
  • Watch live Friday: Longest 'Blood Moon' eclipse of 21st century. -National Geographic
  • Trump warns Turkey of sanctions if American pastor not freed. -Bloomberg
  • Facebook's $124 billion rout could rewrite history books. -Bloomberg
  • IS-terrorized Iraqi Yazidi's receive livelihood aid from Samaritan's Purse. -SP
  • Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol arrests gang member posing as family unit. -CBP
  • Breaking: N.C. pastor Brunson leaves Turkish prison for house arrest. -NSJ
  • U.N. petition: Save Kenyan girls from mutilation, rape and slavery. -Be Heard Project
  • Intolerance wins: Generic 'book of faith' replaces Bible in Missing Man Table. -LifeSite News
  • Nikki Haley on Putin, Trump and Christians United for Israel (video). -CBN News
  • Podcast: Balancing Christ-centered parenting with vocation. -ERLC
  • Recall: Four varieties of Goldfish Crackers. -Pepperidge Farms

The Bible says: Isaiah 40:3 | Solomon said: Proverbs 23:26

Job Ops: Hope 4 Kids

Cover photo: What is an 'Evangelical?' -Adobe stock photo

(Back to top)

Week 29 | July 15 - 21

  • DOJ releases heavily redacted Carter Page FISA Court docs. -Judicial Watch
  • Turkey: U.S. pastor Brunson in prison, IS terrorists roam free. -Gatestone Institute
  • Egypt: Christian doctors required to recite Islamic version of Hippocratic Oath -- with potential deadly consequences. -AINA
  • Not forgotten: Where are the Assyrian Christian women kidnapped by IS? -AINA
  • Mariia Butina and National Prayer Breakfast. -RNS
  • U.S. pastor denied in trial hearing in Turkey. -AINA
  • Book: 'A Child's First Book about Marriage: God's Way is Always Best.' -ERLC
  • Parental warning: X-rated games via Steam app. -ONN

The Bible says: Matthew 11:6 | Solomon says: Proverbs 24:29

Jop Ops: U.S.

Cover photo: 'I lift my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.' -Psalm 121:1-2. -Adobe stock photo

(Back to top)

Week 28 | July 8 - 14

  • Border Protection: Seek asylum at U.S. ports of entry -- separation is rare. -CBP
  • 12 Russian military officers indicted for hacking 2016 campaign. -Bloomberg
  • Report: State of the Air -- 2018. -American Lung Association
  • Founder, leader of New Mexico's largest homeless shelter dies at 60. -ANS
  • Is Europe awakening to the threat? -AINA
  • Opinion: SCOTUS pick Kavanaugh is Trump's finest hour. -New York Times
  • Backlash against cashless society shift. -WP
  • Filipino president offers resignation in exchange for proof of God. -Baptist Press
  • Islamic State not dead, still attacking -- even in Raqqa. -AINA
  • Valley Fire smoke advisory for San Bernardino-Riverside counties.
  • Valley Fire update: evacuations lifted, 1,348 acres burned, 13% contained. -InciWeb
  • Pulitzer prize journalist fires back at MSNBC's 'agent of Russia' remark. -Intercept
  • Breaking: Mandatory evacuations ordered for Forest Falls as San Bernardino Mountains fire burns 1000 acres; Forest Home Christian Camp evacuates campers, staff to Wildwood Calvary Chapel, Yucaipa. -Press Enterprise

The Bible says: Psalm 9:15 | Solomon says: Proverbs 6:16-19

Featured Job Ops:

Cover photo: Evacuation -- the Valley Fire in San Bernardino Mountains as viewed from Nuevo, Riverside County, Saturday morning. -Photo IC News

(Back to top)

Week 27 | July 1 - 7

The Bible says: Psalm 1:2 | Solomon says: Proverbs 8:27-28

Featured Job Ops: Barnes and Noble

Cover photo: Independence Day, July 4, 1776. Photo: 'Big Bay Boom' show, San Diego Embarcadero. -File photo IC News

(Back to top)

Week 26 | June 24 - 30

  • Gov. Brown's decision to deny parole to Manson follower upheld. -LA Times
  • Local churches in shock, offer aid in aftermath of Capital Gazette murders. -BP News
  • Breaking: California legislature to vote on AB-2943 week of July 2, call reps. -CFC
  • Bible is focus of complaint in Navy's Okinawa POW/MIA display. -S&S
  • Supreme Court Justice A. Kennedy is retiring. -CNBC
  • Commentary: The message '86-ing' Sarah Sanders sent conservatives (video). -CBS
  • Supreme Court (5-4) upholds Texas district maps. -OneNewsPage/WSJ
  • Supreme Court (5-4) upholds Trump six nation travel ban. -LA Times
  • Supreme Court (5-4) sides with Calif. crisis pregnancy centers. -Reuters
  • Obama DHS was sued: 'It has chosen to paint mothers and their children as threats to border security.' -ACLU (August 2015 reprint) 
  • Rep. Maxine Waters (D): publicly harass Trump cabinet members. -LA Times
  • 86 SHS: Red Hen staff voted to '86' Sarah H. Sanders from their diner. -WP

The Bible says: Luke 3:22 | Solomon says: Ecclesiastes 7:5

Featured Job Ops: The Getty Center   

Cover photo: 'Every Vote Counted.'

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Week 25 | June 17 - 23

  • 200 U.S. soldier remains returned from N. Korea. -The Hill
  • Time issues correction: 'The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents. Her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together.' -Time
  • NEVER separated: The 2-year-old girl in infamous border arrest photo is safe with mom who left Honduras, 3 other children without consent, says husband. -Daily Mail
  • 'Where are the children? For extortioners, kidnapping undocumented migrants is big business.' -New Yorker (2015 reprint).
  • Traffickers: AG Sessions opined using DNA tests to confirm parents of border kids. -CP
  • Anti-AB2943: 'Changed' LGBT's via Christ, counseling, literature.
  • Ministry in Honduras: family survival (Vimeo/2017). -MOPS/Compassion
  • Seven reasons to take your kids out to share the gospel. -Christian Post
  • U.S. could hold 30,000 border kids by end of August. -Washington Examiner
  • New owner of Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union-Tribune: 'Fake news is truly the cancer of our time.' -LA Times (April 2018 reprint)

The Bible says: Matthew 10:32 | Photo Essay: Sacramento 'Day of Action' -- AB-2943 June 12 Senate Hearing. -Photos courtesy of Michelle Becerra and Revival Christian Fellowship.

Resources: California Family | Digital Democracy

Featured Job Ops: Robertson's Ready Mix

Cover photo: 'Heaven is Not an Open Border' (John 14:6). -Adobe Stock photo

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Week 24 | June 10 - 16

  • DOJ's report effectively kills obstruction case v. Trump. -Boston Herald
  • OP-ED: The Disgrace of Comey's FBI. -Wall Street Journal
  • Fired FBI Director Comey: insubordinate, culture of unauthorized media contacts; full text of OIG report. -DOJ
  • Americans gave $410 billion to charities in 2017 -- greatest ever. -Giving USA
  • SCOTUS denies breakaway Episcopal conservatives ownership of 29 church properties. -Religion News Service
  • Full text of U.S. - N. Korea summit agreement. -White House

The Bible says: 1 Corinthians 13:8 | Photo Essay: Firma Collective, 'Song's for Every soul.'

Featured Job Ops: City of Riverside, CA

Cover photo: 'I Am the Resurrection and the Life.' -Adobe Stock photo

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Week 23 | June 3 - 9

  • Trump summit with Kim Jong Un could free 50,000 N. Koreans in prison for Christian faith. -Open Doors
  • Sunday's Harvest America with Greg Laurie, 4 p.m. PST is potentially largest live evangelistic event in U.S. history. -Stream
  • The Swamp Strikes Back. -Gatestone Institute
  • OP-ED: Clone SCOTUS Justice Thomas for wedding cake decision. -Stream
  • Cruz: Seven biggest conservative Christian wins since Trump election. -CP
  • OP-ED: Amend AB-2943 to protect religious free speech on sexuality. -LA Times
  • Day of Action: Christians to rally June 12 in Sacramento to protest AB-2943 and AB-2119 targeting biblical views on sexuality. -California Family Council
  • Cable news: Everything is a 'constitutional crisis' ha-ha video. -Newsbusters

The Bible says: Haggai 1:9 | Solomon says: Proverbs 1:7

Featured Job Ops: LifeTouch Photography

Cover photo: 'Freedom to religion' (Luke 7:48) -Adobe Stock photo

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Week 22 | May 27 - June 2

  • SCOTUS rules 7-2 for Colorado Christian baker in wedding cake appeal. -Reuters
  • John Cox endorsements include Trump, pro-life organizations. -John Cox
  • Replay: Final NBC California debate (video). -NBC/Travis Allen
  • California GOP electronic voter guide. -CAGOP
  • Franklin Graham: 'Run for [California] school boards' (video). -TogetherLA
  • California Official Voter Information Guide. -Secretary of State
  • Contact your elected officials. -Christian Coalition
  • Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association endorsements for June 5 primary. -HJTA

The Bible says: Matthew 6:9-10 | Solomon says: Proverbs 31:8

Featured Job Ops: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Cover photo: 'You Cannot Serve Two Masters' (ref: Matthew 6:24). -Adobe Stock photo

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Week 21 | May 20 - 26

  • Movie review: 'Solo' is fun ride -- but not one for all ages. -Hollywood Jesus
  • VP Pence encourages Family Research Council pastors conference to 'share the gospel.' -National Religious Broadcasters
  • Where Inland Empire can honor fallen veterans Memorial Day. -Press Enterprise
  • Robot sub finds shipwreck holding up to $17 billion of treasure. -City Today
  • NFL adopts new anthem policy to quell visible player protests. -Wall Street Journal
  • N. Korea demolishes nuclear test site. -NPR
  • The Last Days of Time Inc. -NY Times

The Bible says: Isaiah 53:5. | Solomon says: Proverbs 26:17

Featured Job Ops: UC-Riverside        

Cover photo: 'Not Too Old To Forget' Riverside National Cemetery. -File photo IC News 

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Week 11 | March 11 - 17

  • Sessions fires McCabe from FBI. -The Hill
  • Physicist Stephen Hawking believed in 'laws of physics,' not God. -Time
  • March 16: Remembering Bible scholar Alfred Edersheim.
  • Exorcists in demand? Baptists weigh-in Scripture. -Baptist Press
  • Menifee: Hundreds of students walk out in support of school safety. -Menifee 24/7
  • Israel support at record high: Republicans, 87%, Democrats, 59%. -Gallup
  • Free church security training offered through May 1. -Baptist Press
  • Joy Behar of The View apolgizes to all Christians. -grabienews
  • 'Paul, Apostle of Christ' set to be in theaters March 23. -ASSIST
  • Trump-Russia House Panel concludes investigation: 'No evidence of collusion.' -CBN

The Bible says ... Jeremiah 18:6 | Solomon says: Proverbs 4:5

Cover photo: 'After Rain - Menifee, California.' -Photo IC News

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Week 10 | March 4 - 10

  • Central African Republic: Church elder among six aid workers killed. -WWM
  • 'The View' cohost Joy Behar apologizes to VP Pence. -CBN News
  • Iraq: Ancient manuscripts saved from IS. -AINA
  • Netanyahu thanks Nikki Haley for being a 'tsunami of fresh air.' -JNS
  • Ron Paul warns a major stock market correction is coming (video). -CNBC
  • California: Protecting free speech rights of pro-life pregnancy centers. -ACLJ

The Bible says ... John 4:34 | Solomon says: Proverbs 9:17-18

Featured: Advocates for Faith and Freedom

Cover photo: 'Morning -- Menifee, California.' -Photo IC News

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Week 9 | February 25 - March 3

  • Riverside: 'The Beams Are Creaking,' a faith-based play about the life of pastor-theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, March 2, 3. -Cal Baptist University
  • Reverend Billy Graham Funeral Service. -CSPAN
  • LIVE coverage of Billy Graham's funeral, Friday 11:45 a.m. EST. -CBN News
  • President Trump honors the late Reverend Billy Graham in U.S. Capitol Rotunda. -CBS News
  • Dick's stores removes assault-style rifles, firearm sales to those under 21. -Press release
  • Trump breaking records for confirmation of conservative judges. -ACLJ
  • Nigeria: 110 school girls missing after Boko Haram attack. -Reuters
  • Riverside: Liberal Sun City pastor resigns, church property sold. -Menifee 24/7
  • Interview: Joel Osteen on Billy Graham's hospitality (video). -FOX -2013
  • Heaven -- A message by Billy Graham (video). -BGEA -2014

The Bible says: John 3:16  |  Solomon says: Proverbs 6:16-19

Featured: Free Burma Rangers

Cover photo: Billy Graham, God's Ambassador, 1918-2018. -Photo courtesy of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

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Week 8 | February 18 - 24

The Bible says: Matthew 9:36 | Solomons says: Proverbs 18:17

Featured: Samaritan's Purse

Cover photo: 'Hang in there' President's Day @ Mount Rushmore. -Adobe Stock photo

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Week 7 | February 11 - 17

  • Federal Grand Jury indicts 16 Russian defendants for 2016 presidential election interference. -Jurist
  • Columbine father spoke to Judiciary about finger pointing. -CSPAN
  • Opinion: A trauma surgeon's perspective on AR-15s. -Think/NBC
  • Kimmel monoluge: Take AR-15s from teens (video).- Grabie News
  • 'View' host pans Pence's reported rapport with Jesus. -One News Now
  • Bible Answer Man: atheist 'Go Pro' street 'evangelists' designed to make Christian's look foolish on social media. -Christian Post
  • LifeWay event: Designing apps for kingdom builders. -Baptist Press
  • U.S. consumer protection: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  • Government-approved, free: Annual Credit Report

The Bible says: Mark 2:17 | Solomon says: Ecclesiastes 9:9.      

Cover photo: 'Property of Jesus' -- Romans 8:1: 'There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.' -Adobe stock photo

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Week 6 | February 4 - 10

  • Interview: Christian baker harrassed for saying 'no.' -Bakersfield Californian
  • Calif. judge rules in favor of Bakersfield Christian baker. -Washington Times
  • Opinion: Evidence FISA FBI memo is the Obama Admin.'s Watergate. -The Hill
  • FBI texts: POTUS wanted 'to know everything' about Clinton investigation. -WT
  • A. Schiff (D) spoofed by Russian comedians claiming dirt on Trump. -Daily Mail
  • N. Korean killed 115 people 30 years ago before Seoul Olympics. -WP/PressFrom
  • 'Russian agent' Page states he's never met or had contact with Trump. -The Hill
  • Why the DOW's historic 1175 point plunge Monday isn't that impressive. -Motley Fool
  • Europe: Judeo-Christian symbols of faith vanishing. -Gatestone Institute

The Bible says: Matthew 10:8  |  Solomon says: Proverbs 8:13

Featured: Fred Jordan Missions | 'I Ain't Gonna Go to Hell for Anybody." -Bob Dylan

Cover photo: 'The clock is ticking' -- Revelation 3:2: 'Wake up and strengthen what remains, which is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God.' -Adobe Stock photo

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Week 5 | January 28 - February 3

  • White House Chief of Staff adds to ire towards Calif. high school teacher. -PE
  • Pakistan: Muslim teen accused of killing Christian classmate is released on bail. -Morning Star News
  • Riverside: County takes aim at homeless problem, may create FT position. -PE
  • Petition to release American pastor jailed in Turkish prison. -ACLJ
  • Opinon: Aquinas' Summa Theologiae -- a feast for all theologians. -ASSIST 
  • Living in Pakistan -- a living hell for non-Muslims. -Gatestone Institute

The Bible says: Hebrews 11:3 | Solomon says: Proverbs 1:7

Cover photo: Genesis 1:1: 'In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.' The anchor of all knowledge is found in the first verse of the Bible. -Adobe Stock photo

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Week 4 | January 21 - 27

  • Perris: Court orders 'no contact' between Calif. parents and 13 tortured children. -CBS
  • Opinion: What Mike Pence just did in Jerusalem. -Politico
  • Delivering aid to Christians and other victims of IS atrocities in Iraq. -ACLJ
  • Report: 215 million Christians experience persecution. -Gatestone Institute
  • Post IS: Reframing Assyrian indigeneity in N. Mesopotamia. -AINA
  • Flu outbreak prompts churches to take precautions. -Baptist Press

The Bible says: John 6:53  |  Solomon says: Ecclesiastes 5:10

Cover photo: Image of the Shroud of Turin, the purported burial cloth of Jesus (reference: Mt. 27:59Mk 15:46, Lk. 23:53John. 20:6-7, Gal. 3:12 Tim. 4:13). -Adobe Stock photo

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Week 3 | January 14 - 20

  • Perris: Help for tortured siblings: Perris Sibling Support Fund. -RUHS
  • New federal agency to protect religious rights for medical professionals. -HHS
  • Transcript of Trump's historic March for Life speech. -LifeSite News
  • D.C. March for Life to address human dignity. -Baptist Press
  • Perris: Press release of couple arrested for torturing 13 children. -RIVCO Sheriff
  • Perris: Experts weigh in on why parents tortured children. -Press Enterprise
  • Perris: $18M bail for couple arrested with shackled children. -Press Enterprise
  • Edwin 'Oh Happy Day' Hawkins dies, 74.

The Bible says: Psalm 109:30-31  |  Solomon says: Ecclesiastes 11:5

Cover photo: Winter rain -- Heritage Lake, Menifee. -Photo IC News

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